Our Services
Knitting Department

- Total Machine : 10 pcs
- Total Capacity : 05 ton
- Machine Brand :FUKAHAMA
Dyeing Department
- Total Machine : 26 pcs
- Total Capacity : 18 ton
- Machine Brand : MCS, Sclavos

Dyeing (Finishing)Department

- Total Machine : 11 pcs
- Total Capacity : 20 ton
- Machine Brand : Bruckner, Lafer, Tubetex, Corino, Ilsung.
Brushing Department
- Total Machine : 01 pcs
- Total Capacity : 06 ton
- Machine Brand : Lafer

All Over Print

- Total Machine : 02 pcs
- Total Capacity : 06 ton
- Machine Brand : Yujin
Cutting Department
- Total Machine : 32 pcs
- Fusing Machine : 01 pcs
- Inspection Machine : 03 pcs
- Total Capacity : 60,000 pcs
- Machine Brand : Hashima, K.M, Uzu

Sewing Department

- Total Machine : 1380 pcs
- Total Line : 34
- Total Capacity : 50,000 pcs
- Machine Brand : Juky, Brother, Pegasus.
Finishing (Garments) Department
- Total Machine : 32 pcs
- Fusing Machine : 01 pcs
- Inspection Machine : 03 pcs
- Total Capacity : 60,000 pcs
- Machine Brand : Hashima, K.M, Uzu

ETP for wastewater recycling

Child Care Facility

- We established the child care room for our factory employee and appointed a babysitter for nursing of our employee children.
Medical Facility
- We established medical room and appointed two registered doctors for full time.

Dining Facility

We established the Dining Hall for workers
Fire Safety & First Aider Team
Fire Safety & First Aider Team

Packing Ethical Standard
i. Compliance with all laws and regulations
Crossline Apparel Group shall comply with all laws and regulations of the country where it operates and ratified international conventions.
ii. Prohibition of child labor
Crossline Apparel Group shall not recruit any employee below the mentioned age restricted by the local law.
iii. Prohibition of forced labor
Crossline Apparel Group shall not force any employees for work rather they should be given the opportunity of voluntary work accomplishment.
iv. Hours of Work
Crossline Apparel Group shall not require workers to work more than the regular and overtime hours allowed by Bangladesh Labor Act, 2006 and Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015.The regular work week shall not exceed 48 hours and workers shall be granted at least 1(one) day off for every seventh calendar day. In Crossline Apparel worker may work up to 10(ten) hours in a day and overtime work week shall not exceed 12 hours. Provided that the total working hours of such worker shall not exceed 60 (sixty) hours in a week, and on the average 56(fifty-six) hours per week in a year. All overtime work shall be voluntary. Crossline Apparel shall not request overtime on a regular basis and shall compensate all overtime work at the rate of twice of worker’s ordinary rate of basic wage.
v. Compensation and Benefits
Crossline Apparel Group shall pay at least the minimum wages comply with all legal requirements (Bangladesh Labor Act, 2006, Declared Latest Minimum Wage Gazette in Bangladesh & Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015) on wages. The wages of a worker shall be paid before the expiry of the seventh working days following the last day of the wage period in respect of which the wages are payable. Where the employment of a worker is terminated by retirement or by his retrenchment, discharge, removal by the Crossline Apparel or otherwise, all wages payable to worker’s shall be paid before the expiry of the 30 (thirty) working days following the day of termination of worker’s employment.
vi. Regular employment
Crossline Apparel Group shall fulfill the responsibility regarding the rights of workers recognized employment relationship established through local law and practice and must try to confront the legal obligations arising from established employment relationship.
vii. Prohibition of sexual harassment & abuse
Crossline Apparel Group shall provide a workplace environment which is free of any sexual and/or other form of harassment, abuse and any corporal punishment.
viii. Equal employment opportunities and non-discrimination
Crossline Apparel Group shall reward employee according to their individual performance. Crossline Apparel Group will maintain the equal opportunity policy in recruitment, training and development, promotion, transfer, compensation and benefits etc. without any form of discrimination such as race, caste, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), marital status, family status, sexual orientation, regional origin, age, disability and veteran status.
ix. Freedom of association
Crossline Apparel Group shall uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. All employees of Crossline Apparel Group including in its corporate office and factories are free to join any kinds of legally approved and registered trade unions or any kinds of association.
x. Health & workplace safety
Crossline Apparel Group shall ensure healthy work environment for all. The company shall provide a safe and healthy workplace setting to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of linked with or occurring in course of work or as a result of the operation of employers’ facilities. Company shall adopt responsible measures to mitigate negative impacts that the workplace has on the environment.
xi. Security
Crossline Apparel Group shall ensure physical and personnel security of employees in work place in terms of any untoward situation. Crossline Apparel Group shall not employ any person in a place where life can be endangered.
xii. Respect towards employee’s rights & fairness
Crossline Apparel Group shall adhere to all rules and conditions of employment that respect employees and maintain rights under national and international labor and social security laws and regulations.
xiii. Respect for stakeholder’s interest
Crossline Apparel Group shall recognize and have due regard for the legal rights as well as the interests of its stakeholders in supply chain and value chain and respond to their expressed concerns.
xiv. Environment
Crossline Apparel Group shall act by country’s environment act and internationally proclaimed environmental laws and standards in business operation. While doing so the core aim of Crossline Apparel Group will be to care the nature and bring positive impact for society, environment and nation.